just received horrible news that our family friends lost their house in the fires. it is keeping me awake tonight - my heart goes out to them. she is an excellent musician and she lost all of her sheet music. i know this because she told me - and it started me thinking about the things we think we need or care about that we pack up in our cars to evacuate. we forget about the sheet music - our soul food - the things around us that nurture our soul and contribute to our inner-well being. for everyone it is different. i looked around and made a mental list of the things i would grab and it is not an easy task. the collage my son made in kinder, the love notes spread around the house from t, the altered books, the handmade valentines, but what about important papers, pillows, water, flashlights, photo albums, clothes, the list is long. in the heat of the grab do you forget about what your soul needs and go straight for the mandatory? there is always a bit of irony in every situation and this is no different. my grandmother passed away recently and there is her home for them to stay in, her grand piano to be played, and an entire cabinet of sheet music. maybe this will bring a bit of peace to my friend. all i know is that right now i feel very lucky to be sitting here typing this.