

I've been participating in Jenny Doh's Painting Studio once a month - it is a great bunch and we all were invited to hang our pieces at the studio for Jenny's book signing/open studio this month:

Joanna & i in front of our work

a work in progress
I painted all day yesterday with the ladies - some on the painting above and I started a new larger canvas that will be a test for a piece I have in mind for my parent's fireplace - wish me luck ;)  I'm also taking a beginning painting class through the city that is based more on realistic images so that should be challenging - I like painting more when it doesn't have to BE something!!


Welcome 2012

Seems like a lot of people i know couldn't wait for 2011 to end - they say bring on 2012 - but i loved everything about my life during this past trip around the sun - i feel as if i LIVED this year - the word of the year was vitality and man did i take that seriously ;) i loved big, i traveled (a lot), i worked out, i ate right, i made art, i made new friends, i saw projects completed, i earned plenty of money, i gained new clients, i delegated (finally), i advanced my career and my creativity, and i did it all with energy and grace inside the universal flow.

That's a lot of wonderful and now I'm raising my champagne glass to 2012 - Cheers to me, to you, to us, may we continue on this great journey with grace, passion, vitality, and illumination!
