My grams died on october 15 - i really miss her. we used to talk on the phone pretty much every day - i miss that - a lot. she was my biggest fan and she always supported me in the most uplifting way. she and my grandfather were active, intelligent, supportive, optimistic, loving and the list goes on. it seems strange to continue my life without either of them - i think of them often. my grams was a brilliant pianist - she could hear any music and then sit down and play it immediately. we used to go out shopping at the mall and she would hear some pop songs and then come home and play them - duran duran, eurythmics, she was so good. we went to the same college - UCI - and she was so proud of her accomplishment. she was one of the first to graduate when UCI just began - she went back to get her music degree - because that was her passion and dream. in her youth most girls were trained to be teachers, nurses and/or wives. my grams pulled off a beautiful life - she was married to my grandfather for over 65 years, she raised two brilliant sons (seriously), she was generous, she loved her family and friends, she was talented, and boy is she missed. i have tears now and i wish we could have another conversation and another and another. there is still so much to say.
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