So i challenged myself to do my very first batch of ATCs - to send for Bee Shay's artfest swap - I have no idea if these are good bad or ugly but they are going out the door today - phewww! i'm going to try to take the day off and do some studio cleanup and work on some Valentines for my lovies. thinking about making cookies for Tom's dad in Georgia and buying candy to put in Nic's care package. talked with him a lot last night - he is depressed and having a hard time getting to classes. i know how he feels - i've been getting swells of sadness lately too and it is hard for me to embrace the sadness and i've been

working on "me stuff" - the kid is only 19 he has no life experience yet to help deal with this kind of loss. i feel like we had a good chat and i hope he heard and felt me when i said "i will do whatever i can to help and i'm always here when you need to talk" because i meant it from the bottom of my soul.
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