Just read
Andrea's blog about her gremlins and creeping doubt. i can relate. i spend a lot of time procrastinating on my dream list because i'm afraid of starting something i can't finish or succeed at. these feelings of paralyzation are slowly decreasing but they still keep me down (as in a lump on the couch or surfing the web). this week i created the first two pages in my visual journal and i committed to better eating. that was pretty much all i could manage on top of work. i dream about the day that i can do everything each day - a bit of eating well, exercising, artwork, work work, reading, corresponding, cooking, loving. i just adore the idea of each day in balance and sometimes i don't understand why it doesn't happen more often? mindfulness is my word for year 2009. maybe that is why each day isn't fully balanced - because i just expect it to happen instead of planning for it to happen - bingo! i'm going to add some affirmations to my journal pages - i think a little positivity will go a long way this coming week.
Oh amen - a balanced life - if just can remember that when I get caught up in my day - thanks for the reminder
Love Love Love the Night Time quilt. I do not know what you titled it, but it is lovely.
I am glad you are sharing your life, it is good to be able to read your words.
When are you going to open a little shop to share your wares? And your soups? And your appetizers? And your thoughts? And You?
You are so beautiful. I love you.
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