
More Road trip...

Where the Rogue River meets the Ocean - Tu Tu Tun Lodge - which we can highly recommend - we stayed in a cozy romantic room with a wood fireplace and a soaking tub looking out over the river. We watched Osprey nesting and hunting for their dinner and then we ate our tasty fish dinner and shared a bottle of Oregon's Pinot Gris. We soaked in the steaming hot bath (they have lovely HOT spring water) and enjoyed our fire - slept with the sliding doors open - loved every moment!

On the River bank - filling my pockets with heart-shaped rocks.  

my personal lumberjack
the ancient forest floor

Our next destination Highway 1 and Mendocino - turning, twisting, breathtaking forest and then the Ocean!

We took a breather at Stump Beach - no we didn't take a nap in the fort - the beach was too full of goodies - driftwood, rocks, sea glass, shells.  We walked the steep path back to the car about 10 lbs heavier with pockets full and Tom carried a LARGE piece of driftwood that we will keep in our yard.

I want to keep in my mind the glorious northern coastline - so dramatic so green just gorgeous
We arrived in Mendocino and Tom found us a great place to stay - we had an ale with the locals and then a really great dinner at McCollum House - we found a new organic winemaker from Potter Valley - we drank both the Chardonnay and Pinot Gris during the trip - very good and easy on the wallet.  We woke up to rain and grey sky but the drive down Hwy 1 to Stinson was still beautiful.  I love this part of Cali and I'm dreaming of a house by the ocean with windows and shingles and wood and light.....

Stinson was quiet and we took a long beach walk and then ate a tasty salmon dinner with our family and helped Rosie with her last bit of homework and visited and then back to our motel by the sea.   it was a full moon  *sigh* this usually means insomnia and even the tide couldn't lull me back to sleep.  In the morning, Rose went off on the yellow school bus and we drank lots of coffee and ate breakfast with Ruth. 

Saying goodbye to the Coast.......

Onward to Bakersfield and a visit to the Sarad household - Matt was in a state - saying adios to one lady and HELLO to another.  We had drinks and a Basque-like meal, guitars were played and then it was time for sleeeeeep.  Dark yummy Pete's coffee - oh how we missed you - fueled us for our trip and we can't forget darling Dave's tasty peanut butter cookies - Yum!

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