
Ramble on

i've been reading The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp - it's not the first time i've read it.  this book covers it all and is a great read.  i'm thinking hard about chapter 3 - creative dna.  the idea that we all have a creative code hard-wired into our imaginations.  some like to focus on the story - one life vs another and some like to see all the stories all at once - in the details.  i'm trying to figure that one out. Page 45 has questions - a creative autobiography - these are not easy but are meant to be answered quickly.  i do know one thing - i'd rather be writing down these answers than going to work crunching numbers....

1 comment:

Nina Marie said...

Ohhhhhhh I got this book for Christmas. I loved it. A couple of students saw me reading it and they bought a copy!!