
6 Degrees of Separation

It was a hot one and we decided on pizza delivery and a movie last night. The 3 of us watched Six Degrees of Separation - a story that i knew, read about, but i had never seen the movie.  There's a part of the movie where a character speaks about imagination and how paralyzation is when the imagination stops and is void.  i may need to listen to that speech again.  i have been seeing signs everywhere - yoga mag came this week with large headings on the cover - meditation for creativity - open your heart to find happiness.  These are my current thoughts: the heart does not just open once and you are fixed.  some rays get in and then it closes again - what i do understand is that maybe it will open again and again - each time a bit quicker and a bit easier.  i do feel that this week a piece of the wall has shattered and the light is trying to glow just a bit deeper.

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