
A New Day A New Me A New You A New House

It took a while for me to wrap my mind around the fact that i wanted and could afford to buy a house.  i had made my rental house a home for so long it was difficult to imagine a change or disruption - my son attended k-12 in that house - it holds a lot of dear memories.  Someone close to me said "if things are good and you are happy why make a change".  Yes and no - i must admit that i'm on the fence about that - maybe it's just me but i'm really good at being content with what is - that might be at the core of most of my issues.  Why rock the boat...just enjoy the view and while i'm there  i'll just watch everyone else jump out and skinny dip in the ocean and swim with the mermaids. See the thing is that fear will and has kept me from adventures.  Buying a house is the first step in my new life of overcoming fear: aka being courageous and going for it - whatever it may be.  Want to jump in with me? The mermaids are waiting.....

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