
200th Post!

although sporadic over these past years i've managed to post two hundred times - i really want to make a new banner and do some tidying up on this but it's been pushed low on the list since no one reads this but Tom - love you babe ;)

i've been puttering around slopping paint and ink on scraps of paper and adding to some journal pages but with work and summer travel there hasn't been a lot of free time.  i'm off to SQUAM in a few weeks for some arty goodness with my friend Jen - it will be divine to play and do art for a week with like-minded ladies!

Nic is creating a life for himself in Seattle and so far it's a darn good life - he and Erica scored a beautiful (tiny) appt in a brand new building that sits on a gorgeous market on a street filled with boutiques and bread shops - doesn't that sound ideal? the job search is another thing - its tough times right now and he's got to get over his shyness in order to stand out and be confident.  he's a boy genius ;) so he should be able to get something going soon.  we had a fun visit seeing their place and hanging before we all drove to Vancouver for the weekend for a family wedding.  My god Vancouver is gorgeous - mountains, ocean, city - it's got it all.  
backdoor at roxy's for post dinner drinkies
